Tag Archives: self-love

Goloka Juice and Smoothie Blends Coconut Refreshers

Yoga and Detox for Weight Loss


So I am a big fan of taking a break, a retreat.

And you know what? It’s our internal systems that need a retreat. Consuming large food portions when dining out, having irregular meal times, processing food additives and other habits tax our digestion, assimilation and elimination systems. Overworking wears the systems down, lowers our immunity and ages us. 

Fasting is one way to hit pause, by abstaining from all or certain kinds of foods, to allow the body and the mind to rest and restore. This is a common spiritual practice, but also has clear physical benefits, when done properly.

Green apple on top of red apple
Apples green and red

Cleansing is a special kind of fast. It is intentional, replacing one’s usual diet with purifying herbs and tonics. The process encourages elimination, so typically, there’s weight loss just from letting go of all the built-up waste. In the process, you’d develop a stronger and more effective digestion-assimilation-elimination system

Ayurvedic principles also support this. The belief is that diseases are caused by the accumulation of toxins in the body, or the creation of an imbalanced state. A balanced state is pure (sattvic). There is a lot of focus in Ayurveda on purification practices as a means to restore the body.

I like cleansing once a month. I’ve tried a lot of different methods, including the lemon master cleanse. I love an apple fast, as I like the crunchy tartness of green apples. These may not be for everyone though.

LIMITED TIME ONLY – Yoga & Cleanse Packages – Up to $100 of detox blends included, plus further 20% discount on additional cleanse blends, limited time only.  SOLD OUT (Feb 2017 update)


Almond Smoothie
Almond Smoothie

#1 A cleanse should be delicious. Choose a cleanse program that gives your body a mix of what it needs, in simpler forms, i.e. juices, porridges, soups, and with enough energy to keep you going. You need to love it to stay on it.


#2 Ease the body into and out of it.

Blended Soup
Carrot soup

Remove complex foods from your diet a day before and after the cleanse. Remember, we are giving the system a break. Wholemeal toast, unpolished rice, mac and cheese, all out! Have a simple soup like carrot or orange split lentil (split and polished = easier to digest = rest and recovery for the stomach and intestines) and little or no grease in your meals. 

#3 Always ensure that you get proper hydration during a cleanse. Coconut water is a great natural way to rehydrate with essential electrolytes.

#4 Go into a cleanse intentionally, with love and care. The energy and intention in everything we do is so important. You shouldn’t be starving yourself for rapid weight-loss (and worse, throwing your metabolism off balance). Cleansing has long-term benefits, so enjoy the process. Be mentally prepared for it. It might help to commit to writing a short reflection daily in your journal.

#5 Stay active. Have a cleanse without hitting pause on your life. Keep your appointments, go to work. Take note that your body would likely respond to the detoxifying effects of the cleanse, so make room for that. You don’t want to start it when you have a major project deadline and a stressful week. At the same time, you want to stay active and not feel lethargic. Gentle yoga can be practiced instead of vigorous sports, and specific yoga poses can encourage detox.


We have a special offer for Yoga & Cleanse packages, which includes everything that you’d need in a perfect cleanse, combining detox yoga with personal consultation and tailoring of your cleanse blends.

$100 of detox blends included, plus further 20% discount on additional cleanse blends, limited time only.  SOLD OUT


Goloka Go Immunity Extra Juice Refresher Cleanse


Images with gratitude to Pixabay and Goloka.

Man drawing heart shape in the sand

Teaching Yoga for Self-Love and Non-Violence

Ling is a Victory Over Violence Ambassador.

This story is also submitted to the VOV blog.

* names have been changed.

On a quiet Monday afternoon, at class start time, it appeared as if no one was going to come to practise. Then ten minutes later, two people turned up.

It can be difficult for yoga teachers to face a quiet room at class start time and for students to sail nonchalantly into class late. This is a common challenge leading a practice in non-studio settings, where the crowd is not familiar with yoga and the usual class etiquette, and that there’s no advance class list and client notes, and you’ve no idea who’s going to show up (, if any were to show up at all).

Yoga at the Residence

When I started teaching at this shelter, I was told that the women had all experienced some form of violence before, and was keenly aware that they needed yoga so much, and that it was hard to come by, so I’ve learned to bend my own rules. In any case, this is a good reminder to teach to the bodies and beings in the room, rather than to follow a preset lesson plan.


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